WNAH 1360 AM

Broadcasting to Nashville since 1949

World class religious programming 24 hours a day.

H.M. Carter Broadcasting

1004 Maplewood Place
Nashville, Tennessee 37216
Station: 615-357-7208
Hoyt Carter: 615-970-2821

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Featuring Nashville’s best lineup of Christian teachers from all over the world, you can add your voice to share the good news that Jesus Christ has died to transform sinners into saints by grace alone through faith alone.

We reach the entire Nashville metropolitan area with a lineup of trusted local, regional, national, and international teachers and programs like:

  • The Bible Study Hour
  • Every Last Word
  • Focus on the Family
  • International Gospel Hour
  • J. Vernon McGee
  • John MacArthur
  • Kirk of the Way – Jeremy Swygard
  • Les Feldick
  • Ligonier – R.C. Sproul
  • The Lutheran Hour
  • The People’s Gospel Hour
  • Truth for Life – Alistair Begg
  • And many more!

WNAH Station History

WNAH has been broadcasting daily since Christmas Eve, 1949. The following day, Sunday, December 25, 1949 Dr. C. Darby Fulton–then pastor of Downtown Presbyterian Church–prayed this prayer of dedication:

“Eternal God, by Whose providence we live and move and have our being, Who judges the plans of men, whether they be good or evil.  We gather today to seek Thy blessing upon this enterprise as it now sends its voice out into the world.  We acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, recognizing that except the Lord build the house they labor in vain that build it.  

We remember on this Christmas day that song which broke the stillness of the Judean night nearly 2,000 years ago, when Thou didst broadcast to the world the good news of our Savior’s coming and didst bring joy and hope to the whole family of men.  Let that theme become the message of this station to be echoed from day to day as it speaks to our contemporary life.  

We dedicate this undertaking to Thee and beseech Thy favor upon it that it may serve with faithfulness to the ends of which it is established — to promote good living, to enhance the wholesomeness and pleasurable enjoyment of our days, to encourage high morality among our people, to foster every worthy Christian endeavor, and to enrich the life of our times.  Thus may this station continue to sound the Christmas story and add its voice to those influences in our world that would give all the glory to God in the highest and espouse the cause of peace and goodwill among men in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.”

CONTACT: Hoyt Carter 615-357-7208
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